Monday, December 21, 2009

Perth City, Western Australia 220609

Day 8. before we knw it, it was alrdy the last day of the roadtrip. time just flew by. if only we could stay longer was the only thought that lingered ard us. nonetheless, the spirits were still as high. carpe diem as we roamed ard the city of Perth but not before we had an awesome breakfast pinic at Kings park munching on our all time favourite Red Rock Deli Chips as we camwhore on the green pastures. next up was window shopping ard the city before settling down our sore feet on Perth hot spot cafe; The Kings Street Cafe situated in the midst of all high end boutiques for their cakes & pastries to satisfy our sweet tooth. last stop was to Curtin University for a lil inside tour by our big sis Shuling before we reluctantly dragged our feets to Perth International Airport.

authentic smiles brought to you by my clumsiness =x

Kings Park

as we start to camwhore nonstop..


Charlie's Angels

tis is called Freedom

Curtin University

South Perth & Vic Park


the usual sight frm the rearview mirror

mai dang dang !!

to Shuling's Crib!

total distance travelled for 8 days!!

Perth International Airport where we shocked everybody with our Precaution against H1N1

my da jie aka tour guide

byeee Perth, we'll be back!!