Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Margaret River Perth, Western Australia 200609

Day 6. it was a heart thumping night in the darkness, with howling wind & slamming doors frm the harsh weather just a wall away, which rattle our nerves as we try to slp. nevertheless, it was a goood beginning as we woke up to our long awaited exotic oven grilled Kangaroo meat galore for breakfast before we set off a long journey to finish our itinerary in Margaret Rover & to hit da road back to Perth. we set off for The Gap; another magnificent limestone landscape before we embark on our journey to live up to our Name as ThamJiakQueen&Kings & of course our Nationality for wine & food tasting. it was also where we committed a our third crime.

Kangaroo Meat :))

this was a story abt a poor lil Kangaroo being eaten. stay tune.

The Gap

Simply Spectacular.

Shaggg faces after ascending flights of stairs.

nice (_|_)!!


double rainbow!!

tis photo sparked off a whole album of camwhore :))

Criminal #1

Criminal #2

the entrapment

the thamjiaks

6f 1999

the hot navigator & driver :))

Busselton Jetty

scary stormy weather

as we seek shelter within the lil shop amidst the stormy weather

rainbow !!

wad the rest were doing while i suffer



checkin out hot babes!! wooooot

Desert Time !!

Our Daily Booze Affair!

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