since this is abt Life. a lil teaser on Straits Time Life! on reading newspaper the other way round. bad bad.
been summoning some momentum these days to start off the year with a bang and not wanting to live my life with any remorse. there is no doubt one would regret on things he had, not or yet to be done. but at least try to fulfil some. meanwhile, take a chill pill and enjoy the lighter side of life. or for this case the other side of life.
this is how vanilla ice cream is made

drying up

this is how they warm themselves up in the artic..

their gourmet show

this is their sadako movie

this is their family album

what we are in the pigs' world

how they get back to us

with the help of human's invention this is how they carry out death penalty

That's awesome.. haha..
Anyway, when are we gonna meet up? at least for exercise if dont wanna makan.. hehe =)
soooooon.. mai kan cheong..
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