the dark side, the shop i shall not name but a local well known jewellery shop, got this jade pendant for my grandma but it turned out that the 16" chain's too short, brought it for a change to a 18" hoping it wont vary much but i've got to whop up an additional $90 for another 2". i accept it for a fact that it was white gold. funny thing is, the guy who was supposed to serve me yesterday knew i was back to change the chain. hmmm. his explaination just made me boil especially with his "hey bros" when i'm the only one and thinking he's the homie shit. on top of that, he even quoted me $49 for the 16" chain before another salesgirl served me for $39. wow. service indeed. just went round the corner to the another chain for a change for my chain. damn it.
nonetheless, the jade its still sweet as ever.

the brighter side of life, ma girl hooked me up a gucci wallet and lanyard from gucci hongkong, but didn't like the design of the former and unfortunately the latter came back a lil hanging nowhere and scratched. i called up gucci boutique and enquired for a change for both. to my delight, they were able to hook me up with what i wanted despite the fact that it was a cross borders transaction. kudos to Gucci Singapore. Appreciate it. its flawless.
look at the scratches

& it came off..

till i get a change for both..

ps: to whom you know you are, although i'm not rich as you do not doubt my authenticity & give me shit like there's a spelling error there as if you're some guru shit.
peace out.
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