forget about the booze and sneakers, a food-'ilicious' sumptuous meal is all i need after days of mind taxing work, but of course with the presence of great company and a sexy place to be in. it just took my mind off the hectic world and bringing me to my senses that it was a saturday night, a night for chilling and catching up with my sistas from primary school. feel so free from the pretentious world outside with them standing by. it seems unbelievable to many but they are that great.
omg la. yandaoooo. you slimmed down so much la. meet up meet up meet up. you met up with ur pri sch friends. you should meet up with your jc friends. see u soon yandao! haha!
omg la. yandaoooo.
you slimmed down so much la.
meet up meet up meet up.
you met up with ur pri sch friends.
you should meet up with your jc friends.
see u soon yandao! haha!
muahahahaha!!! there's this thing called photoshop eh and what's more we took like hundreds of pictures and i shortlisted those with nice 'angles'.
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