Sunday, September 20, 2009

Margaret River, Western Australia 190609

after days of fighting the daylight & rushing against time, we decided to slow down our pace on tis laid back beautiful morning along the street of Margaret River. everything was perfect except the frequent passing rain & gushing wind that leaves us jumping frm shop to shop browsing every single lil nitty gritty stuff jus to seek shelter. after much "Siam-ing" we decided to "Siam" to the car instead to proceed with our itnerary to Cape Leeuwin & Windhole.

coffeee beaann


damnnn didnt get a chance to eat this black ice cream siann
coincidentally it was a purple bra day. it was shocking to see women donning the purple bra.
including men as well.
boobie boobie (.)(.)
Cape Leeuwin

Cape Leeuwin Lighthouse
the point where Southern Ocean & Indian Ocean meets

MJ's defying gravity act.
they literally get blown away

round & round of stairs up the lighthouse

Up at the lighthouse bracing 30 nautical of wind which is equivalent to 60km/h of gushing wind.

Limestone cave.

finally some fried cooked food woooooot

our all time favourite chips. its a must try !!
when we're all slping after the meal. 1 thamjiak queen & king each sweeping out the leftover.
our hot milo chill out session at night

cooking papa at work

*warning* do not mess with yvonne !!
highlights of the day Kangaroo Meat !!

30secs after this following picture is taken, the house blackout due to the harsh weather outside.
still. it didn't affect our Supper in the dark with all that had been prepared.
& liquor as well =))


Shuling said...

didnt know you updated ur blog! haha.. yay! it's so nice to re-live those moments with you guys in perth :)

jiahua said...

of course i do. although the year's coming to an end & i've yet to finish writing up the trip but you bet its still as vivid as ever. :))