just got back from a quick dinner and catching up with grace and angela. still the same old loud girls. haha. oh man miss my jc days just going to school without any pressure talking cock, slacking in the canteen, copying works and running for our lives. too bad heartless grace gonna leave us for some aussie hunks. haizz.. to the rest of 129 225ers we should really find some time and hang out man. soon soon.
what i wore today. quite a change.

love the fact a second postman exists.

from the first postman.. woo whats that??

Gucci!!! haiz.. not mine though..

from the first and second postman

sadly all these pickups coming to an end..
why ur pics cannot enlarge one arrrrrr.
everything enlarge very tiring and exciting eh. hahaha. if you know what i meant. aiya have to make do with the amount of spaces i have to showcase if ya wanna see i send you. (^0^)
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