managed to get out to breathe air outside my residing compound but it wasn't a really pleasant one upon hearing i've got a slip disc. but thankfully its not so serious and gradually it will just recover on itself provided i attend the physiotherapy and strengthen the back muscle. oh well i just hope my luck could change, my health has been pretty bad eversince i enlisted less say the recent ordeal and speaking of it the total operation and consultation cost came up to 3K thank god i'm being covered. if not there goes my shoe collection.
took this neon laces which is being hated by so many people out for a wash. pardon me my photoshop showoff been tryin to learn and practice on it.

picked up a quickstrike tier 0 huf quake air max one premium. was contemplating as to whether i should buy it oh well took some risk and bought 2 pairs at one shot. now i've got problem selling the other pair.

came home to a severely whacked up parcel containing this

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