Saturday, July 25, 2009

Albany, Western Australia 16062009

fought the first taste of what cold really meant, we survived the night. the only comfort we sought was the heater on the floor in the bathroom. & for once bathing was a pain in the ass. it froze our butts. & before i forget, temperature outside was roughly 5°C & the wind seeped in any gaps u can find in the house. conquered the night & we were all up & ready to take on the road to Albany estimated 410km away from Perth but not with an empty stomach, we decided to try the local Mcdonald. living up to the name of our Motherland, the ThamJiakQueens committed the first Crime.

kids ready for hair pee meal

hmmm wad are they doing ?!

stolen bunch of jams !! Crime No.1

the excitement & laughter filled car was soon stopped by the authorities who ambushed us & jumped out as soon as we offended their jurisdiction by 22km/h tt cost us AUD150. scared & cautious, we rolled our vehicle until the freeway where i took over shortly.

Crime No.2 =((

longest pee break i ever experienced while they camwhore outside the toilets

all set & ready to roll


its B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L

the image of everybody i got to bear when driving

haha my turn !!

410km away, located in the Great Southern region of Western Australia, welcomed by the clustered town of 25,196 pop. facing the southern coast. our warm cozy little hut was located near Middleton Beach. it was so beautiful it took off our weariness. the house was simply jus filled with awe.

rushing against the day light we set off for our first tour. Albany's Windfarm standing at 65m tall & 75m in diameter. simply spectacular expecially against the awesome backdrop of sun setting.

Albany Visitor Centre

Along Princess Royal Harbour

Albany's Windfarm

being the ThamJiakQueens&Kings we definitely cant give the local supermarket a miss before we indulge ourselves in our steamboat to mark the 10th Annivsary of our frienship. but it gets a lil too much..

chillout lil corner at midnight outside the house hearing the waves frm Middleton Beach

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